Maison Loyez Woessen

Le spécialiste du beurre depuis 1922

TRENDS : 60% butter: tomorrow’s standard?

Will 60% butter become tomorrow’s standard like semi-skimmed milk has done in the milk range? The answer will depend on the market players and consumers. Around ten years ago, the first reduced-fat butters (60% compared with full-fat butter 80 – 82%) were rather disappointing from both a practical and culinary point of view. Today, subsequent improvements in recipes have, however, narrowed the differences with full-fat butter.

On certain markets, the 60% butter meets a demand for reduced calorie products. And on others, it is the attraction of a cost price per kg that enables it to take its position with a more competitive retail price. And yet on others, it is the healthy and natural side of dairy products that has made it successful when compared with the vegetable fats on offer. 
There is therefore no shortage of advantages for 60% butter.